Ever wonder why your cat looks at you certain ways? Today is the day to find out!

Here are some questions to ask your kitty……

  • Why cant I eat those plants? Because some are toxic to cats, such as azaleas, mistletoe, lilies and holly. For a more inclusive list, go to aspic.org
  • Why can’t I scratch the couch? Buy your kitty a scratching post (or two). Scratching is a natural activity for cats they’ll be happy to have something all their own to scratch
  • Where do you go for 8 hours a day? Try talking to them and letting them know about your day. (let me know if they answer you in a way you understand)
  • Why do you keep petting me when Ive had enough? Learn their body language – if their tail starts to flick and they start to squirm, they’ve probably had enough petting!

Share some pictures of your kitty being inquisitive!

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