Covering Our 5 Favorite Cat Products That We Simply Can’t Live Without

There are so many cat products on the market today that it can be a little overwhelming. Cat products are constantly changing and innovating, making it hard to tell whether or not any particular product is worthwhile, effective, or safe for your cat. That’s where My Dog Walker & Pet Sitting comes in! We have over a decade of hands-on experience with cats and cat related products. We want to share our experiences and knowledge of cat products with you, the responsible pet owner. This article will cover five of our personal favorite and innovative cat products on the market today.

Our Personal Opinion 

We would like to mention that this article is purely opinion based. The products mentioned in this article are ones we personally felt were innovative and beneficial for both cats and their owners. We are not sponsored or affiliated with any of the brands and/or companies that make these products. We simply want to provide an honest and accurate assessment of these products for the pet loving consumers like you. You may initially disagree with some of these opinions, but we hope you will learn something new about these products regardless. 

Our Five Favorite Cat Products

As previously mentioned, there are so many cat products on the market today that it’s hard to know where to even start. We are going to keep it simple and stick to the more innovative cat related products that provide a better quality of life for both you and your furry friend. For the purposes of this article, we will be excluding anything edible (like treats or catnip) and possibly cover that in a future blog. So without further adieu, here are our five favorite cat products that will change your life. 

Litter Genie

One of the most innovative cat products on the market today is the litter genie. The litter genie is similar to a self-container diaper pail. You place all of the scooped cat waste into the top of the container and it stores and traps all of the unwanted odors. No more having to scoop your cats’ poop or pee clumps into the trash or a plastic bag. The litter genie revolutionizes the entire cat waste management system! You can even keep it right next to your litter boxes and not even know it’s there. 

Water Fountain

Cats are notorious for not drinking enough water. Depending on the cat, they can be a little stubborn about their water intake. Pet water fountains change this by providing constantly flowing water for your cat. According to, cats are more inclined to drink running water because it feels more natural to them. These pet water fountains are low maintenance, come with filters, and use very little electricity.  

Cat Tree/Scratching Post

Another amazing and underrated cat product is the cat tree/scratching post. Just like people, cats need stimulation in order to stay happy and healthy. Since we’re not always around to play with our feline friends, it’s important that our cats have other ways to keep themselves preoccupied. That’s where cat trees and scratching posts come in. Cat trees provide your cat with a space for them to climb, hide, and play on comfortably. Cats love to be on high up places and cat trees provide that.

Most cat trees also have built in scratching posts. This is great because cats naturally feel the urge to scratch things in order to keep their claws in healthy working condition. Both cat trees and scratching posts will help keep your cat preoccupied and happy even when you’re not around. 

Pet Camera

One of the latest and greatest forms of new pet technology is the pet camera. Pet cameras are simple, easy to use, and enable you to observe your cat even when you’re not home. You set up the camera in your home, typically where your cat frequents and you then sync your smartphone to it. You then have a direct live feed of the camera that you can view from your phone. This is a great way to keep an eye on your cat and observe their behavior when nobody is home. You may be surprised what your cat does when they’re alone.

Self Cleaning Litter Box

Last, but not least, we would like to discuss the self-cleaning litter box. Cleaning a litter box is an essential, but unpleasant part about being a cat owner. Your cat needs a clean place to pee & poop and a self cleaning litter box provides that will little to no effort from you. Essentially, you simply hit a button and the litter box sifts the poop and pee clumps out for you. For a more in-depth explanation about self cleaning litter boxes an dhow they work, check out