Do you know how to help prevent your pet getting lost?

*One way is to always make sure there is no escape routes in your back yard – no gaps in fences, no way to get under the fence and all gates are secured. Here are some other ways to help prevent your pet getting lost…

*Microchip your pet – this is a simple procedure that can be done at your vet’s office; most shelters do this also before adopting. A chip can be helpful if their collar comes off

*Get a collar with tags that include your pets name and a contact number to reach you

*Teach your dog commands Come and Stay

*Pay attention to what’s going on when you’re out for a walk or in the dog park. Distractions can happen quickly and keeping their focus on you will lower the risk of them running off and even being abducted

Can you name more ways to prevent your beloved pet from getting lost? Share them with me!! #nationallostpetprevenitonmonth #petlove #petsafety #NAPPSpetparents #mydogwalkerpetsitter