Offering Some General Advice On How To Keep Your Dog Happy, Healthy, And Safe This Independence Day

The 4th of July is easily one of the most important and iconic American holidays of all time. It marks the day the Declaration Of Independence was signed, July 4th 1776, and the U.S. officially became its own nation. We celebrate the 4th of July every year with parades, barbeques, picnics, and fireworks. While fireworks are very pretty to look at, they are also very terrifying to dogs. This is because fireworks are excessively loud and dogs naturally have exceptionally good hearing. 

The purpose of this article is to offer some tips and tricks on how you can keep your dog healthy, happy, and safe while 4th of July fireworks are blasting off. Every dog is different and comes from different circumstances. Therefore, not all of the advice here will be universally effective on all dogs. It may take some trial and error, but we are confident that some, if not all, of these practices will help with your dog’s stress and anxiety this 4th of July. 

Create A Safe Haven

When it comes to managing your dog during 4th of July fireworks, the best option is to create a safe haven for them. We suggest keeping them confined to a bedroom, spare room, or finished basement (the less windows the better). Your goal is to make this room/space as comfortable and calming for your dog as possible. You can also utilize a crate if they are trained and comfortable with their crate. Having a designated “safe space” will help reduce their anxiety during the loud and scary fireworks. Here are a few ways to help with that. 

Secluded And Secure Area

According to the A.K.C. (American Kennel Club) more dogs go missing during 4th of July weekend than any other time of year. This is due to a variety of reasons, but especially because of fireworks. Fireworks are excessively loud which can be terrifying to dogs and will ultimately trigger their fight or flight response. Because of this, we highly recommend keeping your dog indoors and in a secure, secluded area of your home while fireworks are going off. 

We suggest making this spare room and/or space as doggy friendly as possible. Lock any windows and close the curtains. Remove anything that is fragile or that they might destroy out of stress such as pillows, electrical wires, etc. Make everyone in the house aware of the situation so that nobody accidentally wanders into your dog’s safe space or potentially lets them escape. 

Background Noise

Fireworks are exceptionally loud and you realistically won’t be able to drown out the noise completely. However, you can attempt to mask the excessively loud noises of fireworks with other sounds. We suggest using your tv, stereo, or other media player to play soft relaxing music for your dog. Studies found on show that dogs show more relaxed behaviors when exposed to classical music, soft rock, and reggae. White noise can also be very effective in masking the sounds of fireworks as well. 

Familiar Scents And Toys

As previously mentioned, the goal is to make this designated “safe space” as comfortable and stress free as possible. Leaving familiar smelling toys and blankets is a great way to help your dog feel more at ease. We suggest leaving some recently worn articles of clothing (pants, shirt, etc.) in their “safe space” too. Your dog loves you and being able to smell you, via clothing, will remind them of being safe and comfortable. Make sure they’re clothes that you don’t care about too much in case your dog chews on them out of stress.  

Stress Relieving Products

Having a comfortable environment is only half the battle as your dog will still need something to preoccupy their time. This is where the stress/anxiety relieving products come into play. Here are just a few suggestions of products that can help your dog overcome their anxiety or at least distract them from it. 

The Thundershirt

The Thundershirt is a dog anxiety vest that a dog wears over their whole body. This vest’s patented design applies consistent and gentle pressure to help calm all types of anxiety, fear, and over-excitement. The Thundershirt stimulates a dog’s sense of touch and gives them the feeling of consistently receiving a big hug. This product is very useful during fireworks, thunderstorms, and for dogs with separation anxiety. 

Anti-Anxiety Treats/Supplements

There is a wide variety of anti-anxiety treats and dog friendly supplements on the market today. Most of these calming supplements are all natural and include ingredients like chamomile, lavender, cedar, magnolia, and phellodendron. CBD oil is also a great edible option for your dog to help them relax and destress. As always, consult with your veterinarian first before giving your dog any herbal or CBD supplements/treats. 

Create Distractions

Despite creating the most comfortable environment possible for your dog, they will still be a little anxious from the loud fireworks. This is why we suggest giving them something to keep them preoccupied and/or distracted. Try filling a kong with peanut butter or treats and freezing it beforehand. This will give them a tasty goal to work for that will help them forget about the loud fireworks outside. You can also invest in a dog food puzzle or lick mat to help keep them preoccupied. 

Stay Happy, Stay Safe

Here at My Dog Walker & Pet Sitting, we love all pets and want them to be as happy, healthy, and safe as possible. We hope some of the aforementioned advice helps keep your furry friends as stress-free and relaxed as possible during this 4th of July and fireworks season.