Discussing Some Of The Best Methods For Keeping & Maintaining A Clean House With Pet Hair

Having a pet is a truly wonderful and rewarding experience like no other. However, pet ownership is a big responsibility and it often takes a lot of work. One commonly overlooked, but very important, responsibility is managing pet hair. This applies to both the hair on your pets and the hair they leave behind in your home. Depending on the breed of dog or cat, this can often be a daunting task. That’s why we decided to write this article. 

Here at My Dog Walker And Pet Sitting, we have a lot of experience when it comes to pets. Although we are not professional groomers, we are professional pet people. Our years of experience working with animals has taught us how to manage pets and their never-ending shedding. This article will cover some of the most effective ways to manage and stay on top of pet hair in your home. 

Shedding Is Natural

It’s important to remember that shedding is a natural process for your dog or cat. According to WebMD.com, shedding is an essential part of skin and fur health in both dogs & cats. The overall purpose of shedding is to remove dead hair and help release natural oils in the skin. Any dead hair that isn’t removed from brushing or grooming will ultimately be removed by shedding.  

Routine Brushing

Regularly brushing your pets is a great way to manage their shedding and promote healthy fur & skin. This is especially true for long haired breeds such as Shih Tzu & Maltese (dogs) and Persian & Birman (cats). Brushing your pets on a daily basis will help make their coat softer, cleaner, and produce less shedding. We suggest setting aside 10 to 20 minutes a day to brush your pet outside. Brushing outside will help keep the amount of pet hair in your home to a minimum. 

Finding The Perfect Brush

Speaking of brushing, it’s also important that you have the right tools for the job. Every pet is different and has a different type of fur coat. The effectiveness of any given brush will vary depending on your pet’s fur. Remember that a pet brush is an investment to your pet’s health and the cleanliness of your home. We suggest investing in a quality brush that meets your pet’s needs. For a more comprehensive list on the best reviewed pet brushes, go to TheSprucePets.com (dogs) or TheSprucePets.com (cats)

Regular Grooming Appointments

Even with routine daily brushing, your pets will eventually need a haircut. Although grooming is more commonly associated with dogs, cats should still be groomed regularly as well. On average, you should have your cat or dog professionally groomed every 4 to 6 weeks. This will vary depending on the time of year, the breed, and how short your groomer cuts their fur. We suggest planning and scheduling out your grooming appointments for your pets so they can look and feel their best. 

Clean Regularly

Our pets never stop shedding which means we pet owners will never stop cleaning up after them. All that excess can pile up and quickly become overwhelming. However, daily light cleaning can really make a big difference when it comes to maintaining a clean house. We suggest doing some light dusting, sweeping, and/or vacuuming on a daily basis. Even just 10 to 20 minutes a day of light cleaning will make a noticeable difference. You can also invest in a robot vacuum such as a Roomba or Shark to do the dirty work for you! 

Finding The Right Vacuum

If you have a pet that sheds a lot, then having a quality vacuum cleaner is essential. Vacuums can be expensive, but they are a worthwhile investment when it comes to maintaining a clean house. We suggest investing in a quality vacuum that makes cleaning up pet hair a breeze. For a more detailed and reviewed list of the best vacuums for cleaning up pet hair, go to GoodHouseKeeping.com. 

Invest In An Air Purifier

As many pet owners know, pet hair gets everywhere. It gets on your clothes, on your furniture, on your floor, and even in the air. You may not always be able to see it, but there are small follicles of pet hair floating in the air of your home. That’s why we suggest investing in an air purifier. An air purifier will provide your home with cleaner air and less pet hair at the same time. Air purifiers create a healthier and cleaner atmosphere for both you and your pets. Here is a list of the best tested and reviewed air purifiers of 2023. BuyersGuide.org.