Offering Some General Advice On How To Prepare Yourself And Your Home For A New Puppy In Honor Of National Puppy Day (3/23)

One of the best and most adorable holidays in March is National Puppy Day on March 23rd. National Puppy Day is a delightful occasion that celebrates the unconditional love and joy that puppies bring into our lives. In honor of National Puppy Day, this article will offer some general advice on how to create a smooth transition and a happy home for a new puppy.

Two curious puppies
Two curious puppies

Choosing The Right Breed

Before bringing a puppy into your home, it’s important to research and select a breed that aligns with your lifestyle. Major factors to consider include a dog’s size, energy level, grooming needs, and temperament. Different breeds have unique characteristics, so choose one that fits well with your family dynamics and living situation. For more information on choosing the best breed of dog for you, click here

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Puppies, much like toddlers, are naturally curious and tend to explore their surroundings with their mouths. Therefore, creating a safe environment for your puppy before you bring them home is essential. This is often referred to as “pet-proofing” or “puppy-proofing” a home.

To puppy-proof your home, start by removing any potential hazards. This includes things like household cleaners, chemicals, laundry detergents, medications, etc. Always keep any potentially toxic items locked in cabinets or on a high-up shelf. Additionally, secure electrical cords and  lock away any toxic plants or substances.  For more information on how to “pet-proof” your home, click here

A puppy in bed with toys
A puppy in bed with toys

Create A Welcoming Space

When you first bring your new puppy home, you want to make the transition as smooth as possible. Therefore, preparing a comfortable and welcoming space for your new puppy is essential. 

Set up a designated area for your puppy to rest & play that is cozy and welcoming. This includes providing things like a comfy dog bed, some soft blankets, and a few toys to keep them entertained. Creating a designated area helps your puppy feel secure and establishes a sense of routine.

Stock Up on Essentials

Another important part to being a new puppy owner is to have all of the essentials they need on hand. This includes things like food & water bowls, high-quality puppy food, a collar & leash, toys for mental stimulation, grooming tools, and identification tags. For a more comprehensive new puppy checklist, click here

Additionally, you should gather all of these necessary supplies before your puppy arrives. Having everything ready will make the first few days with your new furry friend more enjoyable and stress-free.

A puppy at the veterinarian
A puppy at the veterinarian

Schedule Out Vet Visits

The top priority for your new puppy should be their health. Therefore, be sure to schedule veterinarian visits shortly after bringing your puppy home. According to A.K.C. (American Kennel Club), vaccines for puppies make up most of their vet visits. Typically speaking, puppies that are purchased will receive their first vaccines around 8 to 12 weeks of age. Afterwards, puppies should receive additional “top-up vaccines” every 3 to 4 weeks until they are around 16 to 20 weeks old. 

When meeting with your veterinarian, ensure vaccinations are up-to-date, discuss a suitable nutrition plan, and address any health concerns. Establishing a good relationship with a veterinarian early on sets the foundation for a lifetime of well-being for your new puppy.

Puppy Training Classes

Investing time in training your puppy is essential for a well-behaved and happy companion. White these classes are not 100% necessary, they will dramatically help in improving and correcting your puppy’s behavior as they grow up. Puppy training classes will help your puppy learn basic commands and build a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

A professional pet sitter & dog walker
A professional pet sitter & dog walker

Looking For A Pet Sitter Or Dog Walker?

If you or someone you know is looking for a pet sitter or dog walker, then look no further than My Dog Walker & Pet Sitting. We are fully insured & bonded and have over 10 years of experience working with animals. Click here to check out our wide variety of pet sitting services including in-home pet sitting and routine dog walking.

We currently service the Medford, Medford Lakes, Shamong, and Tabernacle, NJ areas. To become a client, click here or give us a call at 856-217-2781. Be sure to check us out on Facebook and Instagram too! We post new content regularly, so be sure to follow us so you don’t miss out on adorable pictures of our pets.